Para el ruso Melnikov, su vivienda se convirtió en su cárcel. Philip Johnson exhibió su día a día en la Glass House y Le Corbusier eligió para él la cabaña más pequeña que jamás había diseñado. El edificio de viviendas sociales de El Ruedo (Madrid, 1
Recently awarded the Frederick Kiesler Prize for Architecture and the Arts, Andrés Jaque presented Superpower of Ten at the Jumex Museum in Mexico City. This is a work in process – accompanied by lectures, workshops, and performances – that reinterpr
Can domestic space be a platform for an architect’s personal investigations? Francisco González de Canales analyzes five cases of ‘domestic selfexperimentation’: homes designed and built for and by the same individual, who in first person puts his ow
Acaba de aparecer la segunda entrega de The Charged Void, la publicación más ambiciosa dedicada al legado de Alison y Peter Smithson. Pero en 2004 se publicó otro libro igualmente significativo, que vio la luz como catálogo de una exposición del Desi
Since transformations in architectural style often follow major economic, social, political, or technological upheavals, it is not surprising that the building art in this century has been so marked by change. And certainly few periods in modern hist
In Henry R. Luce’s hortatory 1941 editorial “The American Century,” which appeared in his Life magazine a few months before the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor drew the United States into World War II, the publisher urged his countrymen to abandon th