As good fortune and the grace of friends would have it, I found myself amid a festive crowd of Joan Manuel Serrat enthusiasts during a recent visit to Madrid. Unexpectedly, there I was on a wonderful seat, a longtime admirer of the poet and musician
Shigeru Ban The list of architects with the Princess of Asturias Award was not short, but in the 2022 edition Shigeru Ban joined Niemeyer, Oíza, Calatrava, Foster, Moneo, and Gehry, although not in the category of ‘Arts’ but for ‘Concord.’ As the fou
We have quite frequently seen an architect being handed by the Prince – or Princess – of Asturias one of the accolades named in their honor. In the wake of Niemeyer, Oíza, Calatrava, Foster, Moneo, and Gehry, this October comes the turn of Tokyo-born
According to critics, Abramović’s work explores “the limits of the body and mind” through risky, complex performances in a constant search for individual freedom... Luis Fernández-Galiano: Vidas extremas Fundación Princesa de Asturias