Madrid, Spain
The refurbishment of Matadero is one of the most ambitious cultural projects launched in the city over the last years. Converted into a contemporary art center, it develops a stable activity since 2007. Its comprehensive program and varied activities
La Central de Instalaciones aloja los equipos que darán servicio al resto de las dependencias de Matadero Madrid. Un anillo de galerías subterráneas visitables conecta las naves existentes a un edificio de nueva planta que agrupa la totalidad de la m
Eduardo Mangada. Surgido tras el polémico soterramiento de la M-30, el proyecto Madrid Río ha transformado un enclave antes marginado en un espacio atractivo y habitado por los ciudadanos.
Como buen ciudadano, atento a la convocatoria del alcalde de Madrid, acudí a contemplar la renovada plaza de España. Con ojo atento exigible a un arquitecto, la recorrí en diagonal, desde la esquina de Bailén-Ferraz hasta la de Princesa-Gran Vía. Vi
The name of five finalists in the competition to redevelop Madrid’s Azca business district have been made public: Diller Scofidio+Renfro with Porter+Bowman and b720; Heatherwick Studio with CLK; MVRDV with estudio GRAS; Rem Koolhaas-OMA with Battle i
The cloud of uncertainty that Madrid urbanism has in recent years gotten itself trapped in – with cases like Operation Chamartín, the redevelopment of the area around Vicente Calderón Stadium, the intervention in Canalejas, or the revamping of Edific
Madrid Río The 2015 Veronica Rudge Green Prize in Urban Design, awarded by Harvard University’s GSD, went to Madrid Río, the project that has transformed the banks of the Manzanares River, a work of the team led by Ginés Garrido, including Madrid st
During the crisis Madrid Rio has been criticized for economic reasons, but no one has questioned its success in returning life to a marginalized part of the city. This has now been acknowledged, too, by the jury of Harvard GSD’s prestigious Veronica