American architect A Eugene Kohn, who co-founded Kohn Pedersen Fox, has died of cancer aged 92. Architect Kohn led KPF, which is responsible of designing six of the world's twelve tallest towers, including the Shanghai World Financial Center and Hong
Mr. Pelli’s works included the cluster of towers making up the World Financial Center (now called Brookfield Place) at Battery Park City in New York, famous for the glass-roofed Winter Garden at its center; the Pacific Design Center in Los Angeles, k
The house Frank Gehry created for himself and his wife, Berta, in 1978 on a highly visible street corner in Santa Monica, and which he renovated and updated again in the early 1990s, helped make his reputation as one of the most potent creative force
Kevin Roche, the Dublin-born American architect whose modernist buildings, at once bold and refined, gave striking new identities to corporations, museums and institutions around the world, died on Friday at his home in Guilford, Conn. He was 96. His
One associates Norman Foster with elegance and finesse, which in one sense would seem to make the decision by the proprietors of Château Margaux, one of the most revered wines in the world, to retain Foster + Partners seem altogether natural, a match
Relatively few architects have solved the challenge of giving physical expression to the desire for a legacy. Of course any architect’s oeuvre is itself a physical expression of his or her legacy, and for most, the built work that they leave behind w
It is not sure that one’s life explains one’s work, but there is no doubt that a biography throws light on the context surrounding a creative career. Cases in point are two new books, on Frank Gehry and Rafael Moneo, which give us a better understand
Paul Goldberger no escribe para arquitectos. Acaso por ello, algunos de estos le prestan poca atención: hacen mal. En el terreno de la arquitectura, el crítico neoyorquino ha sido la voz más influyente de su país durante varias décadas, con sus artíc
La edición del segundo libro de Área Editores sobre la obra del recientemente fallecido Ricardo Legorreta y su hijo Víctor está marcada por el deseo de hacer llegar su trabajo al público general. Con esta premisa, la monografía se presenta en un form
No hay en Estados Unidos un museo mejor emplazado que el Nelson-Atkins, en Kansas. Su edificio, austero, clásico y rematado con columnas, se concluyó en 1933 y se asienta sobre una colina que domina una amplia pradera, lo que le confiere un aire más
In the late nineteen-fifties, J. Irwin Miller, the chairman of the Cummins Engine Company, decided to liven up Columbus, Indiana, where his company was based, by commissioning work from famous architects – I. M. Pei, Kevin Roche and Robert Venturi, a
It is not surprising that the British feel a sort of proprietary interest in the passage of time: with Greenwich as the home of the prime meridian, they tend to see keeping track of time as a housekeeping duty they have to perform for the rest of the