Postmodernity buried Michael Graves, and it’s hard to find another architect who has dropped so fast from splendor to shame. Admired during the figurative floruit and reviled in the 1990s return to order, Graves (1934-2015) is now unknown to young ar
1934 - 2015 Born in Indianapolis in 1934, Michael Graves studied at the University of Cincinnati and at Harvard University. After setting up his studio in 1964, Arthur Drexler invited him to the Conference of Architecture for the Study of the Environ
Michael Graves was a hero. Let me tell you why that is important. Today, in a time when ‘starchitects’ are denigrated openly and derisively – not only in the media, but also, absurdly, in the profession – to be called a hero is to receive a badge of
Michael Graves, a leading exponent of postmodernity and also one of its last followers, passed away in Princeton at the age of 80. Born in Indianapolis, Graves became famous as one of the influential New York Five, with Peter Eisenman, John Hejduk, R
A great draftsman, prolific architect, and industrial designer, Michael Graves was the most successful but also the most criticized master of postmodernity.
Michael Graves Michael Graves won the 2012 Richard H. Driehaus Prize, a US$200,000 award that the University of Notre Dame has been giving yearly since 2003 as recognition of excellence in classical architecture and traditional urban planning. In the
La serie Atlas —editada por la Fundación BBVA bajo la supervisión de Luis Fernández-Galiano— se inició hace dos años cuando diez críticos (entre los que me incluyo) fuimos invitados a escribir acerca de la arquitectura de una región concreta del glob
The masters who yesteryear hoped to appear on paper money, are satisfied today with the papier couché. The Swiss bill of Le Corbusier or the Finnish one of Aalto – one in use, the other disappeared after Helsinki adopted the Euro –coin an epic story
Michael Graves One of the profession’s longest-established awards – the medal that the American Institute of Architects has bestowed since 1907 – has fallen upon a veteran architect. Michael Graves participated with Meier, Eisenman, Hejduk, and Gwath
Un año más, el anuario del Instituto Holandés de Arquitectura muestra las tendencias de la moda nacional en la temporada 1999-2000, y avanza lo que veremos la próxima. Frente a colecciones pasadas llenas de pliegues y alabeos, sinónimos de la hipermo