The new head of the United Kingdom is an advocate of traditional architecture and has promoted it in his estates in Cornwall through a development, Poundbury, with Léon Krier as principal advisor. During his time as Prince of Wales he wrote texts in
Not since Louis XIV had the world seen a monarch playing architectural critic. The recently enthroned Charles III has little in common with the Sun King, but does emulate him in his passion for cities and buildings, and though the heyday of monarchie
The publication of On Bramante is a major event. It fixes in place the hitherto latent position of a generation that has left many manifestations and an editorial roll-out resembling that of the magazine San Rocco, directed by Pier Paolo Tamburelli i
On the vade mecum that Vitrivius wrote around 30 BC, De Architectura libri decem, mighty rivers of ink have flowed in the writing of a good part of Western architectural theory; rivers of ink to annotate, translate, and emend a text we consider found
Las grandes figuras del siglo XX transformaron el lenguaje de la arquitectura desde su familiaridad con los cánones clásicos. Aun en el caso de aquellos que no tuvieron una educación académica convencional, la sensibilidad clasicista les llegó a trav
El clasicismo vive. Obligado a elegir por la ortodoxia moderna entre su transformación en reglas abstractas de proporción o armonía y el exilio al lazareto del consumo comercial, muchos lo dieron por desaparecido. El elaborado idioma de los órdenes c
Ha nacido un crítico de arquitectura. Una exposición en el Victoria &Albert, un programa televisivo y un libro ilustrado de gran formato han hecho del Príncipe Carlos de Inglaterra el protagonista de la rentrée arquitectónica. Después de cinco añ
In order to understand Le Corbusier’s first villas one must look both to cubist painting and to the enlightened vision of the classical world. The synthesis between the two, according to the author, is mainly manifested in the constant search for a b