1952 (Portalegre, Portugal)
A Manueline abbey gains back its original configuration when freed of additions made over time that overburdened its loadbearing structure and had the effect of distorting its simple proportions.
After a period of persistent decadence, the old Lisbon evoked by Amália Rodrigues has become a desirable destination, already threatening to dethrone other popular tourist hubs, such as Venice and Barcelona. An unbeatable example of this metamorphosi
Compartiendo solar con las viviendas construidas por Olmos y Ochoa, el proyecto se organiza en torno a un patio ajardinado al que se accede desde esquinas abiertas a la calle a doble altura. Las viviendas con doble orientación, disponen hacia el inte
Built up on a rock, overlooking the Tagus river and the city of Lisbon, the Palace of Belem is a complex of gardens, terraces, fountains and pavilions that have gradually extended around the original building: a convent built in the 16th century and
To think of monasteries and Portugal is to think of the novel Memorial do Convento (published in English as Baltasar and Blimunda), where in Baroque prose José Saramago intertwined the pursuits of a group of heterodox characters with the construction
In the wake of a retrospective of the Lisbon architect João Luís Carrilho da Graça at Casa da Arquitectura in Matosinhos, the catalog gathers not only the documentation of the ten key buildings presented, but also the proceedings of the debates and c
The jury of the first Leon Battista Alberti Prize, formed by representatives of the Politecnico di Milano, the Alberti Foundation, and Mantua City Hall, has unanimously voted to hand the award to the Portuguese architect João Carrilho da Graça, ackno
Awarded by the Politecnico di Milano, the Commune of Mantua, and the Alberti Foundation, the new prize acknowledges the Portuguese architect’s achievements in restoring historical heritage…
After a long period of decadence, the stately old Lisbon evoked by the actress and fado singer Amália Rodrigues has become a popular destination that already threatens to eclipse foci of tourist obsession like Venice and Barcelona. An unbeatable exam
João Luís Carrilho da Graça construirá la terminal de cruceros de Lisboa. El proyecto ganador —que ha competido con las propuestas de Aires Mateus, Vázquez Consuegra y Zaha Hadid, entre otros— organiza el espacio urbano liberado en el borde del río e
Con una reseña en esta sección (véase Arquitectura Viva 52) dimos la bienvenida a este proyecto editorial, lanzado conjuntamente por la ETSA de Pamplona y el Colegio de Arquitectos Vasco-Navarro. A razón de cuatro cuadernos por año —salvo la primera
João Luís Carrilho da Graça ha conseguido ser el equivalente generacional en Lisboa de Eduardo Souto de Moura sin necesidad de recurrir a comparaciones incómodas. En los tiempos en que despuntaba la carrera de este arquitecto nacido en Portalegre en