1927 - 2012, Italy
“A modern architect should know how to design anything, from an object to the streets of the city, because everything is connected.” Such was the vital outlook of Gae Aulenti, an indefatigable precursor whose buildings, installations, and furniture p
1927 - 2012 Gae Aulenti was a pioneer not only because she was a woman architect, but because she was an internationally recognized figure at a time – the 1960s and 1970s – when the Zaha Hadids or Kazuyo Sejimas of today were unimaginable. Born in 19
Conocida por sus grandes intervenciones museísticas, la recientemente fallecida Gae Aulenti conjugó en su obra la atención al detalle y la monumentalidad.
Los grandes arquitectos están a veces a merced de las grandes fortunas. Hace algo más de un lustro, Tadao Ando ganó un concurso internacional para diseñar la sede de una fundación que albergaría las 2.500 obras de arte que posee el magnate François P