With a built area of 25,843 square meters, this urban reconfiguration in Porto do Son, a town in the province of A Coruña, expresses a direct engagement with the sea and fishing activity, reviving the old port’s identity.
Located some ten kilometers east of A Coruña, Oleiros has grown significantly over the last twenty years, and what was once a rural municipality has become a residential one where many of the families with the highest incomes in the area live, so it
The Galician practice of Juan Creus and Covadonga Carrasco has transformed an old jail into a cultural center. The separate units of the prison facilities are compartmentalized with varying degrees of openness, giving importance to the concept of the
Convertir una pequeña dotación portuaria en un nuevo espacio urbano ha sido la estrategia de esta intervención resuelta con medios constructivos sencillos y eficaces.