Up in the Torozos Mountains, in the comarca of Tierra de Campos, the small municipality of Valverde de Campos in Valladolid province has a population of slightly over a hundred. The surpluses produced by wind farms were invested in this building with
The project ‘Stone and Earth’ – drawn up by Gon Architects, the Madrid practice of Gonzalo Pardo Díaz – has won the competition coordinated by the León Institute of Culture for the purpose of building a research center and visitor reception facility
Very Large Structure is the proposal of the recently graduated Manuel Domínguez, of the collective Zuloark, for his thesis project: a huge mobile structure that traverses the Spanish plateau interacting with the land along its course. It is conceived
It has been announced that Emilio Tuñón will be building the Wine Dome and Francisco Mangado, in collaboration with Juan Herreros, the Technology Dome, having won the latest competitions for Duero Domes, a phased project of the autonomous government
En la VII edición de Premios de Arquitectura de Castilla León, concedidos por el COACYLE y el COAL, el estudio A3GM ha resultado ganador en las categorías de Interiorismo, de Diseño de Espacios Urbanos y de Edificios de Nueva Planta, este último con
Construir en entornos rurales por los que no parece haber pasado el tiempo, cambiar de usos viejas arquitecturas o levantar nuevos edificios en delicados contextos monumentales son circunstancias más que frecuentes en el territorio de Castilla y León
Lejos de la uniformidad que le suelen atribuir las visiones estereotipadas, el paisaje castellano-leonés es variado en sus formas y muy rico en sus contrastes. La zona norte de la región presenta abundantes y complejos perfiles montañosos, de un verd
Castile is first an idea, and then a landscape. Being both a geographic and historic reality and a framework of the mind, the vast expansion of lands in the Douro region have dug out a symbolic niche in the collective imagination. Self-contained and
Though situated at the centre of the Iberian Peninsula, Castile was up to recently isolated from the great hubs of cultural production, its urban and constructive characteristics remaining unaltered longer than those of other regions. Reasons include