Late in the 1960s we submitted a design for stamping at the Murcia Institute of Architects, which was beginning to worry about the liabilities that could befall it if any project it approved was found not to comply with building codes then in force,
On June 1 a new certificate of energy efficiency in buildings comes into force, complementing other measures intended to make the real estate market more flexible.
¿Es posible medir la cantidad de ‘sostenibilidad’ de un edificio? ¿Cómo se puede traducir la responsabilidad medioambiental en términos numéricos? ¿Qué impactos son los más relevantes en dicha cuantificación y con qué unidades se pueden valorar? Esta
Social changes mean leaving behind a lot of accumulated knowledge adopted and assumed as habit. Housing has undergone such changes: first, it was the disappearance of domestic service. Then, the mass entry of women on the job market and later, the gr