Apple Park
Steered personally by Steve Jobs in tight collaboration with Norman Foster, Appes new headquarters, with its exact circular shape, evokes the perfection pursued by the Californian company.
Steered personally by Steve Jobs in tight collaboration with Norman Foster, Appes new headquarters, with its exact circular shape, evokes the perfection pursued by the Californian company.
Founded in 1985, AV reaches issue 200 a third of a century later. This anniversary coincides with the release of Arquitectura Viva 200, and if to these figures we add two dozen books and more than 80 issues of AV Proyectos, the family of publications
"Whenever I see the name Foster, I stop reading and I say yes.” Nicholas Negroponte’s reply when I thanked him for his speedy acceptance to write in this volume reflects a widespread feeling. If we have been able to gather here such a group of eminen
Luis Fernández-Galiano
Futuros comunes Common Futures
El futuro es ahora The Future is Now
Luis Fernández-Galiano
Liber amicorumA Festschrift for Foster
J.M Ledgard
El nuevo mundo de FosterFoster’s New World
Doce miradas Twelve Regards
El futuro del pasadoThe Future of the Past
Paul Goldberger
Château Margaux, patrimonio y paisajeHeritage and Landscape
El futuro de la culturaThe Future of Culture
Miguel Zugaza
Salón de Reinos, museo y ciudad históricaMuseum and Historic City
El futuro de la formaThe Future of Form
Jonathan Glancey
Bloomberg, en el corazón de LondresIn the Heart of London
El futuro de la funciónThe Future of Function
Joaquín Medina Warmburg
Casa de Gobierno, adaptación al cambioAdapting to Change
El futuro del trabajoThe Future of Work
Deborah Berke
Apple Park, un campus de autorA Signature Campus
El futuro del bienestarThe Future of Wellness
Charles Jencks
Maggie’s Centre, cáncer y compromisoCancer and Commitment
El futuro de la construcciónThe Future of Building
Neri Oxman
Mexico City Airport, una ligereza visionariaA Visionary Lightness
El futuro de la técnicaThe Future of Technology
Ricky Burdett
Droneport, infraestructuras para ÁfricaInfrastructures for Africa
El futuro de la movilidadThe Future of Mobility
Deyan Sudjic
SkyCycle, nuevas rutas para ciclistasNew Routes for Cyclists
El futuro de la sostenibilidadThe Future of Sustainability
Mohsen Mostafavi
Masdar, la creación de una ciudadThe Founding of a City
El futuro de las redesThe Future of Networks
Paul Finch
Thames Hub, alternativas estratégicasStrategic Alternatives
El futuro del futuro The Future of Future
Nicholas Negroponte
Lunar Habitation, en la nave espacial Luna In Spaceship Moon
Un nuevo comienzo A New Beginning
Paul Goldberger
La Fundación Norman FosterThe Norman Foster Foundation
Norman Foster
Una reflexión personalA Personal Reflexion
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