Full vision for Habitat 67 housing, by Moshe Safdie

Courtesy of Epic Games and Neoscape, Inc.
The software developer Epic Games and the visualization firm Neoscape have created an interactive model showing how architect Moshe Safdie’s Habitat 67 housing development in Montreal would have appeared had it been fully realized.
Epic Games and Neoscape used original plans for Habitat 67 to test new visualization methods. The team was able to construct a virtual version of the 1963 project as it was intended, including a complex with massive arches holding rows of cubic apartments, similar to Habitat 67’s existing configuration, which is just a fifth part of the original idea.
The team used drone footage of the actual site, plans, and consultations with engineers to make the model seem as real as possible, enabling users to move in and out of the arches, as when playing the video game.