Graduate of the Madrid School of Architecture, Sigfrido Martín Begué was a painter, professor and scenographer, aside from a key figure of the Movida Madrileña of the 1980s. His beginnings as painter in the late 1970s are, however, linked to the Esquizos group: a figurative movement with influences from Pop art, cinema, comics or popular music, and whose members were, aside from Martín Begué himself, the artists Carlos Alcolea, Chema Cobo, Carlos Franco, Luis Gordillo, Herminio Molero, Guillermo Pérez Villalta, Luis and Rafael Pérez Mínguez, Manolo Quejido and Javier Utray. Their works were characterized by the recovery of the narrative discourse and for the protagonism of conceptual and biographical content. In the case of Martín Begué this is expressed through geometrized compositions in which the presence of classical forms and the unprejudiced use of color are particularly important. Professor at the School of Fine Arts of the University of Castilla-La Mancha since 1993, he also produced set designs for the Teatro Español, the Opera of Florence, and the Verdi Theater of the same city.