The Aaltian tradition of sculptural shapes, metaphorical allusions and use of traditional materials has had one of its most prominent advocates in the Finnish architect Reima Pietilä, who died on August 26. Born in Turku, he studied at the Polytechnic of Helsinki and in 1957 entered in partnership with Raili Paatelainen, who he married in 1961. Together they built the student residence of the Polytechnic of Otaniemi (1966), the Suvikumpu quarter of Tapióla (1969), the new town of Hervanta (1979) and the Tempere library (1986), among other works. One of his last projects was for the residence of the Finnish president, which is still under construction. Pietilä's oeuvre has been recognized in his country, which gave him the honorary title of state artist professor, and in the international arena as well, having once been awarded with the U1A Gold Medal.