
Francisco Mangado inducted into the French Academy of Architecture


Francisco Mangado inducted into the French Academy of Architecture


On 29 May, Francisco Mangado officially became a member of the French Academy of Architecture, speaking in French on Crisis Against Architecture after a laudatio delivered by Pablo Katz, the institution’s current president.

The architect from Navarre presented a decalogue of factors in society that have led to a deterioration affecting the very essence of the profession, which, as he said, is thus reduced to a mere object of the market. Among other things he spoke of how the corporate imposes on the individual, annulling the creative and risk-taking part of architecture. This promotes specialization as the way to organize knowledge. “Our work is fundamentally a work of synthesis. We manage countless variables and specific bodies of knowledge, but the architectural project, informed by all of them, is much more than a linear sum of solutions to each problem,” he stated…

Diario de Navarra: Patxi Mangado reivindica el alma de la arquitectura en su ingreso en la Academia de Arquitectura de Francia

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