“It is an axiom of the trade that all editors will one day be ex-editors” said Pawley in the ironic editorial ‘Morituri Te Salutamus’, in the last issue of Ghost Dance Time, the weekly publication he founded at the Architectural Association in the mid-70s. Indeed, it was hard to keep friends practicing such fierce criticism; he himself boasted about never having quit a job: he had always been fired. He studied at the Oxford School of Architecture – where he edited the student magazine D –, and later at L’École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux Arts and at London’s Architectural Association. He published his sharp critiques in Building Magazine, The Architect’s Journal or in The Guardian, as well as in the controversial magazine directed by Andreas Papadakis, Architectural Design. He also taught at the University of Florida and was a consultant on low-cost housing for the Chilean government. His most noteworthy publications are Architecture Versus Housing, Theory and Design in the Second Machine Age, an analysis of architecture in the age of information. His last book was The Strange Death of Architectural Criticism.