The Five Programmatic Ideas of the Forum Project
A New Urban Geography

Área del Fórum, estado previo a la intervención, año 2000
Almost all large cities are suffering today from the impact of industrial relocation. When industries move away (generally to less developed areas), the economic and social consequences for cities can be severe. Urgent schemes are required to deal with these changes if cities are to escape urban blight. The film “Full Monty”, with its apocalyptic vision of post-industrial Sheffield, depicts what may happen when fast decisive action is not taken.
In Barcelona, the issue is a pressing one and we decided to deal with it by adopting tightly-focused strategies, such as transformation of obsolete industrial grounds on the north-eastern part of the city (the Poble Nou district) into new business activities. The project is identified as the BCN 22@ and should provide 3.5 million square meters of neotertiary activity in industrial premises that are currently unused... [+]