The Dream House

A Sociological Study

The Dream House

A Sociological Study

Teresa Rodríguez Fraile 

The lack of communication between architectonic culture and culture in general has reached such a point that one can speak of architecture for those in the know, corresponding entirely to intellectual endeavors, and architecture for the market, whose terms are established within the context of use and fashion. It would therefore seem to be a good point at which to look into the opinions and values of users. The following sociological analysis provides a way of measuring this gap, which at times cannot be closed but which other times reveals paths of understanding that run parallel to contemporary myths.

The dream house does not exist. According to the study we carried out for SGV, Spaniards do not fantasize about ≪different≫ homes but rather stubbornly pursue the model they associate with wealth and prestige. When they were presented with two sets of images, one made up of new housing typologies with different degrees of urban density and quality, the other composed of 12 famous 20thcentury homes, our subjects systematically chose those which the media had traditionally linked with success and power...[+]

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