
Francisco Javier Bellosillo



One of Madrid’s architects with a stronger commitment to teaching, Bellosillo passed away at the early age of 56, after a distressing disease. Graduate in the year 1971 and Roma Prize in 1974, ever since he established his architectural studio in the capital with his brother Luis, he has combined teaching (in the Madrid School of Architecture and in prestigious American universities) with professional practice. Among his numerous buildings and projects are works such as the Auditorium and Conservatory of Music of Majadahonda (1997) or the Manzanares Linear Park (1986). Bellosillo leaves behind a series of projects yet to be completed, among which the Centro Nacional de Investigación Cardiovascular Carlos III in his native city or the Museo de Ciencias Naturales del Alto Duero in Almazán, Soria, the homeland of his ancestors to which he was also strongly attached. His last exhibition in Madrid gathered 24 architects under the title De 0, La Mesa Blanca. Francisco Javier Bellosillo will be remembered for his peculiar perspective on Scarpa and for a seamless loyalty to his architectural ideals.

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