
David Mackay



Born in Eastbourne (England) in 1933, David Mackay passed away 81 years later in Barcelona, city were he settled for good in 1958 after a journey around different countries, which would forge his ironic and cosmopolite character. His long and fertile career is barely distinguishable from that of his partners, Oriol Bohigas and Josep Martorell, with whom he would set up in 1962 MBM (Martorell Bohigas Mackay) after collaborating with them for several years. The office would later welcome Oriol Capdevila and Francesc Gual. He is the author of a list of works of reference for Catalan architecture, including Garbí School in Esplugues de Llobregat (1965), Thay School in Barcelona (1974), Pompeu Fabra University (1995) or the recent Disseny Hub (2013). His most emblematic work is the Olympic Village for the Olympic Games of 1992, a neighborhood designed with a human scale, with parks and public spaces that, over the years, have created a strong urban tissue. Mackay collected his life adventures around architecture in two books: Un català de retruc (2005) and A Life in Cities: An Architectural Autobiography (2009).

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