Partner of the studio DL+A studio, which he directed with José María de Lapuerta and Paloma Campo, Carlos Asensio was associate professor at the Madrid School of Architecture, where he earned his PhD with a thesis entitled ‘Architecture open to the landscape. An analytical methodology from phenomenology’, which he presented just four months before his death in a car accident when returning from a site visit in Tragacete, Cuenca. Son of a cabinetmaker, early in his career he showed interest in wood construction, and for this reason his texts were often published in the bulletin of the AITIM (the wood industries research association), and in 1995 he established together with De Lapuerta the company Timber Line, devoted to the design and development of building applications for this material. Asensio was the author along with his partners of many public and private buildings, such as a center for people with intellectual disability in Carbajales de Alba, Zamora (2006); the Visitors’ Center in Corduente, Guadalajara (2006); the Coca-Cola headquarters in Madrid (2009); and the Ars Natura Center in Cuenca (2009).