
AV/Arquitectura Viva 40th Anniversary

Singing forty


AV/Arquitectura Viva 40th Anniversary

Singing forty


© Focho

If, as one of Carlos Gardel’s tangos says, twenty years is nothing, forty is even less. So the spirit in which this publishing adventure began in January 1985 is intact, and our magazines – stubbornly maintaining their modular layouts, the regular composition of their tables of contents, and a penchant for alliterated titles – continue in their endeavor to give a plural coverage and critique of the architectural scene. Books, congresses, conferences, and exhibitions, not to mention the leap into the web and social networks, complement an assiduous dissemination activity which after four decades does its best not to succumb to complacency or the famous midlife crisis.

From the veteran subscriber to the curious buyer of a single issue, none of this would be possible without interested readers, and we face the future hoping to keep appealing to their intellectual unrest. We also thank all the contributors and friends who have accompanied us along the way, and of course the team whose work and dedication has made our editorial office an ever stimulating home: the soul of magazines that remain as alive as the architecture they cover.

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