Arquitectura Viva 254: Sou Fujimoto Architects

On Two Continents. Sou Fujimoto has managed to find in Europe the same rural beauty and urban complexity that fascinate him so much in his own land, and in 2016 he opened a branch of his Tokyo practice in the French capital. Arquitectura Viva presents some of his latest works where nature and artifice, chance and rigor, are alloyed no matter which side of the world they are in: the House of Hungarian Music in Budapest (Hungary), the HSG Learning Center in St. Gallen (Switzerland), the Shiroiya Hotel in Maebashi (Japan), the Flowing Cloud Pavilion in Tonglu (China), and the Sky Mountain Coastal Station in Haikou (China).
This issue’s dossier features four schools in different regions of the global South: the Rajkumari Ratnavati Girls’ School in Jaisalmer (India) by Diana Kellogg Architects, the Jadgal Elementary School in Seyyed Bar (Iran) by DAAZ Office, the Wayair School in Ulyankulu (Tanzania) by, and the Bambú Kindergarten in Las Condes (Chile) by Gonzalo Mardones.
In the Art/Culture section, Rowan Moore visits the Ai Weiwei exhibition at the Design Museum in London and Lluís Alexandre Casanovas explains the inclusion of architecture in the Reina Sofía Museum’s restructured collection of pieces. And the usual News and Books sections are complemented by a text in which Martin Wolf, a journalist at the Financial Times, calls for a future that harks back to the quest for the common good.