Under the motto ‘Medium Term,’ the 16th Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism (BEAU) delved into architecture’s capacity to anticipate the future through tools of the present, as reflected by the 55 works selected by the curators, María González García, Juan José López de la Cruz, and Ángel Martínez García-Posada. Built works and degree diploma projects were joined by research and dissemination projects, and these included ‘Ecosistemas.zip,’ the exhibition that Sol Caride, Miguel Fernández-Galiano, Jorge Mañas, and Pedro Torres organized last year with the idea of profiling the professional context that the generation under 35 has to navigate, for which this magazine served as an ad hoc publication.
Arquitectura Viva 244: Ecosistemas.zip

Comisarios. De izquierda a derecha: Jorge Mañas Álvarez, Pedro Torres García-Cantó, Miguel Fernández-Galiano y Sol Caride Ferreyra