There are many Chicagos besides that of the postcard picture: the rough Chicago of meatpacking that Sandburg lyricized, the sordid Chicago of gangsters that Algren novelized, the marginal Chicago of Chicanos where Sandra Cisneros grew up. The same go
Ancient Mandarin had no word for ‘architect.’ Builders were craftsmen, skilled but unschooled folk who did not mix with erudites and elites. So in China it took time for Western-style architectural practice to take root, through the decaffeinated mod
The paralysis of Ukraine on account of the war has an echo in Russia itself, thanks to the sanctions interrupting its urban and cultural boom.
We used to be fascinated with the future and newness, we are now scared of it and comforted by nostalgia. Before, we were obsessed with crafting beautiful objects and buildings, today we are much more concerned with raising issues and creating social
In an interview at his studio, Gong Dong analyzes his architecture and explains the projects as the result of a demanding and solitary work process.
Vladimir Belogolovsky A Critic's Guide to 100 Post-Modern Buildings in Chicago from 1978 to 2025
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San Francisco 2021
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Vladimir Belogolovsky A critics guide to 100 iconic buildings in New York from 1999 to 2020
Vladimir Belogolovsky The Evolution of Architectural Style
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New York 2015
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