The master from Navarre recalls his alliance with Pablo Palazuelo, for whom Moneo felt a rapport that made him want the painter taking part in his buildings.
In tune with the sixth Madrid Design Festival, the exhibition 'Pablo Palazuelo: The Line as a Dream of Architecture' is on view through 7 May at Museo ICO. Curated by Teresa Raventós-Viñas and Gonzalo Sotelo-Calvillo, it offers a walk through twelve
La sala municipal L’ Almodí de Valencia acoge hasta el 27 de febrero de 2011 la muestra ‘Pablo Palazuelo. El plano expandido’. En esta exposición se muestra cómo los dibujos configuran siluetas que se transforman, por medio de simples pliegues, en fo
(1916-2007) Geometry, matter and form are the most characteristic features of the work of the Spanish painter Pablo Palazuelo, who passed away in Galapagar, Madrid. The outbreak of the Civil War interrupted his architecture studies at Oxford Universi