There are marvels to be found in the corners of maps. “Here be dragons” was the warning on a Renaissance globe regarding the Pacific’s still unexplored coasts, in line with early cartographers’ custom of filling their maps with fantastic creatures ex
It is time to consider a radical solution to stave off the prospect of political violence and even civil war in the US. The Ukraine war and global economic troubles momentarily overshadowed domestic discord in the United States earlier this year, but
A new chart of millions of galaxies across 11 billion years of cosmic history helps to answer some of the biggest cosmological questions. The maps we create are crucial for studying the physics that drives cosmic history. In July 2020, a 20-year proj
The measures taken to battle the coronavirus are already having an effect on global contamination, as this interactive map shows...
Despite the undoubted generational affinities or architectural sensibilities that can often be detected among them, the collectives are a heterogeneous and diverse reality, open and continuously updated in their response to the conditions, also varia
Matthew Picton sculpts cities on paper, representing not only the formal characteristics of the urban fabric, but also the events that shaped it. With a degree in Political Science and History, the London artist dissects the political past of cities
Un relato de Borges habla de un pueblo que deseaba tener un mapa tan preciso de su territorio que había encargado uno a escala 1:1. Terminado el plano, resultó incómodo de usar por su tamaño y decidieron dejar que se pudriese a la intemperie. Cuando