A series of large chimneys designed to bring in light and ventilation gather the structural elements of the urban park planned to cover the platforms of the intermodal station, and whose distribution is inspired by the form of the tracks themselves…
La disposición de un cuerpo curvo en el interior de la manzana y un volumen en forma de L alineado con las calles perimetrales permite articular la conexión entre el espacio público y el proyecto doméstico. La incorporación de un zócalo porticado en
Recent Spanish urban planning is sullied by the fact that political debate, professional criticism, and academic analysis have given way to the judicialization of urban problems, dragging into the sphere of legality all matters that really ought to s
For three days, from 8 to 10 September, the Fundación Arquitectura y Sociedad held its sixth congress at the Navarrese capital’s Baluarte convention center. Titled ‘The City We Want,’ it brought in figures from different disciplines to reflect on and
This book on urban planning, despite its seductive erudition and lucid reasoning, does not lead to a solid conclusion in the way that texts by Rose or Glaeser do. Sometimes it sounds more like the inspired uncertainty of the most recent Sennett or th
Adif has publicly named the teams selected to go on to phase two of the competition to transform the Madrid–Chamartín station: UNStudio with b720; RSHP with Luis Vidal; Souto de Moura with Francisco Mangado and José María Ezquiaga; Grimshaw with Carl
Over the past years, reminding each other that the decisive battle against climate change would be waged in cities, little did we know that these were in for another battle, an insidious, cruel, invisible one. The great epidemics of the past have lef
Each in his own way a recipient of the legacy of Jane Jacobs, Jan Gehl and Jaime Lerner have built influential tools with which to combat the dismantling of public space.
During times when urban planning often seems bound to arbitrary actions and scandals, it is common to uphold collective interests as a key icon upon which to base the recovery of a lost legitimacy. Certainly traditional planning has rested, over the
The value of the book lies mainly in how it considers the dwelling an essential component of the city, and in how it proposes a reading of the city from the angle of its residential fabrics. It is a mature, synthetic reflection that compiles the best
Robert Moses es, sin duda, uno de los personajes que ha tenido mayor influencia en la configuración contemporánea de Nueva York. Es difícil imaginar la ciudad sin el Lincoln Center, el Triborough Bridge, el Cross Bronx o la West Side Highway. Pero es
After decades of urban crisis and terrible omens as to the uncertain future of the great metropolises, the recent phenomenon of resurgence and revitalization in certain urban centers – particularly London, Amsterdam, Boston, Los Angeles, New York and
Great transformations always mark an end and a beginning. In the past decades, the Madrid metropolis has been caught in the conflict between the city that is disappearing for good and the city that is in the process of being created. It is hard to de