The increase in the frequency and intensity of fires in different parts ofthe world has prompted experts to suggest that we may have entered a new epoch. In ancient Greek the element Pyro meant ‘fire,’ hence words like ‘pyromaniac’ or ‘pyroclast,’ th
Allow me to introduce myself, not as I am known but as what, when all is said and done, I am, we are. I am the offspring of a star, a beneficiary of the Sun, a brother of the Moon, a neighbor of Venus and Mars, and above all an improbable offshoot of
One way in which those fragments of cosmic dust we call humans have left traces of their time in the world has been by asking questions about the world: why we are here, what this all is, how it works. The first question has resulted in a trunk of kn
When reviewing the latest work of the historian, professor, and academician José Manuel Sánchez Ron – which follows Como al león por sus garras and El poder de la ciencia – so great is the challenge of tackling its size that I only dare to apply the
In his preface José Manuel Sánchez Ron recalls the bitter words that Nicolas Masson de Morvilliers had to say about Spain in the Encyclopédie (“Qu’a t-elle fait pour l’Europe?”) and though he claims not to wish to mediate in controversy, his monument
Jacques Herzog For a young architect at the beginning of his career it is a challenging moment to see the widely admired work of established colleagues, often with a mixture of disdain and admiration. For my generation this moment was in the 1980s, a