Author of some of the emblems of West Germany, Günter Behnisch was free of formal biases and produced an oeuvre that was resolutely democratic in mood.
In observance of Gottfried Böhm’s centenary, much is made of his being a grandson, son, husband, and father of architects, with the possible implication that his choice of profession, and practice thereof, was a consequence of the generic dictates of
Since its creation in 1960 the Bauhaus-Archiv, a research center that conserves the largest existing collection of archives of Bauhäusler, has been the principal custodian of the school’s legacy. In addition, in 1979, as Museum für Gestaltung it beca
The centenary of the Bauhaus coincides with the fiftieth death anniversary of its founder and director, the architect Walter Gropius (1883-1969). The double celebration seals the association between the figure and the school, however true it is that
A century after its founding, artistic and ideological discrepancies among its leaders refute the previously held perception of a unitary Bauhaus.
In the work of Eladio Dieste, whose birth has been one hundred years, technical ingenuity was placed at the service of the social program and Catholic fervor.
At the time that the firm Foster Associates was starting out, around 1967, the Argentinian designer and critic Tomás Maldonado conceived a sophisticated theory of environmental design that he would put down in La speranza progettuale (published in th
An exhibition at the ZKM Karlsruhe takes stock, through 200 original building models, of the work methods of the Pritzker Prize laureate Frei Otto.
The exhibition at the MoMA in New York helps to dissipate clichés and give a fuller view of the richness of modern architecture in Latin America.
The Glaushaus, Taut’s romantic alternative to standardization, opened its doors just two months before the outbreak of the Great War.
Coétaneo de los grandes maestros de la modernidad, Paul Bonatz (1877-1956) fue una figura marcada por la presión de las vanguardias y la nostalgia del clasicismo; una exposición en el DAM de Frankfurt recupera su obra.
El devenir de pocas disciplinas ilustra como la arquitectura el permanente oscilar de la modernidad entre el impulso de emancipación individual en una sociedad secular y los anhelos de redención comunitaria. Y pocas arquitecturas ejemplifican como la
Salvador Guerrero Joaquín Medina Warmburg Correspondencias europeas y transatlánticas en la historia de la arquitectura
Joaquín Medina Warmburg Proclamas de modernidad
Joaquín Medina Warmburg Claudia Shmidt
Madrid 2015
Lampreave - 197 Pages