1940-2021 That so many architects aren’t prophets in their own land doesn’t necessarily mean they shall succeed abroad. A few, however, do manage to make the saying true, and become not just prophets but symbols of the architecture of their places of
The German Helmut Jahn died on 9 May in a cycling accident near his home in St. Charles, a suburb of his adopted Chicago. Having attended the Technical University of Munich, Jahn moved to the midwestern city in 1966 for further studies at the Illinoi
Helmut Jahn, the famous German American architect behind some of Chicago’s most impressive buildings, including the Thompson Center, died when he was struck by two vehicles while riding his bicycle, according to Campton Hills police. He was 81. Jahn
En Holanda están convencidos de que los rascacielos contribuyen a la vitalidad de las ciudades, hasta el punto de que existe un comité pro edificios en altura. No han pasado veinte años desde la campaña que este grupo inició en favor de las torres, p
Situada al noroeste del conjunto, el área destinada a la promoción por parte de la empresa Sony corresponde a la manzana triangular comprendida entre la vía norte y el eje principal del tridente de Potsdamer Platz, simétrica a la manzana triangular c
Más puerto y menos aéreo, el aeropuerto de hoy es una representación exacerbada e hiperbólica de la vitalidad, la agitación y el caos de la ciudad contemporánea.