In the wake of the enormous success of a similar anthology held in its New York base, the Guggenheim Museum brings to Bilbao the oeuvre of Hilma af Klint, the Swedish artist and mystic who, inspired by her devotion to theosophy, can perhaps be consid
Hilma af Klint did not trust her peers to understand her work. She sensed her paintings were too weird and too radical for her fellow Swedes. As a star pupil of Stockholm’s Royal Academy, she made a living selling impressionistic landscapes. But she
Bløndal acaba de publicar un libro de John Pardey titulado Louisiana and Beyond, dedicado al arquitecto danés Vilhelm Wohlert (1920-2007). Wohlert estudió en la Escuela de Copenhague, donde impartían clases profesores como Kay Fisker, Steen Eiler Ra