The artist’s home is a museum category in itself. It represents the real experience of the rooms, objects, furniture, and spaces where, in another time, creators not only resided but also produced their works and shared their personal and family life
A series of supporting elements formed by neutral infrastructures make up several spaces, both common and individual, which guarantee privacy and gathering for the artists without interfering with their creative process...
In an old industrial shed between two rear courtyards, a house is organized around a band that contains utilitarian spaces while separating the private from the more public areas. Attached to the wall of white concrete blocks are different functions
A former industrial warehouse within a block courtyard is now the home and atelier of a photographer, and to guarantee maximum comfort it underwent a painstaking refurbishment...
Where most saw nothing but old industrial warehouses, Elena Fuertes, Ramón Martínez, Álvaro Molins, and Jorge Sobejano discovered a field of opportunities to develop their syncretic imaginary. After coinciding at Taller de Casquería, they set up BURR
Jorge Mañas Álvarez attended the Bergen School of Architecture and earned his master’s degree in Design from ETSAM. Besides curating, he engages in architecture on several fronts, from practice and writing to research and teaching. Pedro Torres Garcí