United States
The changes that humans have performed on the Earths crust have opened a new geological epoch, and the cities and landscapes of our own tiems reflect this historical mutation.
Robert Capa dijo en una ocasión: «si tus fotos no son lo suficientemente buenas es que no te has acercado lo suficiente». Los grandes retratistas del siglo XX, cronistas de sociedad, reporteros de guerra, fotógrafos de moda o cineastas, han usado el
History begins at home, and hopefully will end there too. Born in a house, as many others my age, and uncomfortable with a modernization of life which has transformed the common, shared place into a specialist space, banishing births and deaths to th
Conocedora de los intereses de sus lectores, la editorial GG ha tenido el acierto de producir en español el libro catálogo de ‘Americaland’, la reciente exposición dedicada en París al fotógrafo, arquitecto y aviador norteamericano Alex S. MacLean. T
Landscape photography is an established genre of artistic representation. Photographers from Gustave Le Gray to Carleton Watkins to Ansel Adams have approached landscape in their own way, reflecting the cultural sympathies of their age, yet acknowled
It is easier to remember the future than to predict the past. If the house of the past has as many versions as there are family myths or conflicting memories, the house of the future unanimously presents itself as an accelerated present. And whereas