Synopses ContentsFrom Porto to Lisbon The architectural image of contemporary Portugal has come to be associated with the dazzling light and purity of lines of Porto's lyrical builders. Now, from the banks of the river Douro, the modernizing impetus of a country steeped in a process of renewal has reached the estuary of the Tagus. This area has been made the scene of the century's last world fair, through which old faded Lisbon aspires to consolidate a future of metropolitan dimensions. Portuguese architecture today situates itself between the legacy of wise traditions and the expectations of a future still in the making. Antonio Angelillo Identity and Change Latest Portuguese ArchitectureJuan Miguel Hernández León Portugal Notebook Siza in the CitiesNuno Portas Capital of the Future Lisbon and Expo 98Buildings: Projects and Realizations ArchitectureCanonical Character. Amid the jubilation that prevails over the Expo precinct, Siza and Carrilho da Graça have for their respective pavilions chosen the clear-cut geometries and traditional materials of Portuguese architecture; equally exemplary in its dialogue with the past is the conversion into a hotel of the monastery of Bouro, a work of Souto de Moura. Álvaro Siza Portuguese Pavilion, Expo 98João Luis Carrilho da Graça Pavilion of the Seas, Expo 98Eduardo Souto de Moura Hotel at Bouro, Amares
Internal Renovation. The new learning centers reflect both the modernization of Portugal and the types favored by the country's recent architectural production, represented here by three prismatically shaped educational facilities: an engineering school by Adalberto Dias, a series of veterinary laboratories by Rocha & Gigante, and a university building by Nuno and José Mateus. Adalberto Dias Engineering Faculty, AveiroJ. Álvaro Rocha & José Gigante Laboratories, Vila do CondeNuno & José Mateus Business School, Setúbal
Books, Exhibitions, Personalities Art / CultureBetween Piano and Koolhaas. The Genoese Renzo Piano is the first high-tech architect ever to win the Pritzker, while the Dutch Rem Koolhaas inaugurates a house and an exhibition on domestic projects, both in Bordeaux. Richard Ingersoll Piano, Pritzker PrizeFrançois Chaslin Koolhaas in Bordeaux
Chronicle of Losses.The American Dominique de Menil was a great Maecenas of modern art and architecture; and the Italian-Swiss Alberto Sartoris, one of the last theorists of the rationalist avant-garde.. Stephen Fox Dominique de Menil, 1908-1997José Laborda Alberto Sartoris, 1901-1998
Invitations to Read. Essays on different themes, biographies of great figures, repertoires of buildings, and reflections on the city of tomorrow: publishers are once again promoting architecture through the written word. Focho's Cartoon Kenzo TangeVarious Authors BooksInteriors, Design, Construction Technique / StyleThree Curved Covers. The huge concrete shell built by Foster houses a collection of historic airplanes; the wooden arches forming the oval cupola designed by Ito serve as a ceiling for sport competitions; and the wide warped platform constructed by Sejima and Nishizawa acts as both a roof and an exhibition space for a university art center. Norman Foster American Air Museum, DuxfordToyo Ito O-Dome, Odate Sejima & Nishizawa Multimedia Workshop, Ogaki
To close, the products section tackles the problematic matter of the skylight, a recurring element in projects that is not always easily adaptable to the demands of southern climates; and addressing the creative possibilities offered by a computer game, Fernando Valderrama speculates on a plausible future profession dedicated to the design of virtual spaces.
Ignacio Paricio SkylightsEnglish Summary From Porto to LisbonFernando Valderrama Mysteries of Myst
Luis Fernández-Galiano
In a quarter of a century, Portugal has passed from shade to limelight. The revolution of the carnations crossed the threshold of freedom; the revolution of the euro and the Expo now traverses the shadow line of modernity. Political and social freedom melted the boundaries of ignorance that had made the country a blind spot on the European map, and its neighbors were amazed to find a landscape both moving and quiet. Economic and technical modernity, in turn, have regenerated the self-esteem of a melancholic nation, which has exchanged nostalgia for a hopeful saudade of the future. In architecture, the spring of the carnations allowed the gradual diffusion of the Porto school; and the spring of the euro and the Expo has consolidated Portugal's integration into a global economy, with the attendant construction in Lisbon of emblematic works designed by foreigners. From the Douro to the Tagus, this Atlantic country has swiftly moved from penumbra to brilliance, and from poetry to spectacle.
Spaniards and Portuguese have shared so many periods of history that the symmetries of this latest stretch come as no surprise: Spain's political transition took place shortly after the establishment of democracy in Portugal, while the now ongoing celebrations in Lisbon reproduce the climate of euphoria and optimisim that the Seville Expo and Barcelona Olympics had created in 1992. Long since the destiny of both countries was determined by marriage alliances between dynasties, Spain and Portugal are now living a moment of spontaneous fraternity that nourishes mutual awareness and cultural exchanges: literary, musical, and of course architectural. On the Spanish side of the 'dry line', admiration for the Portuguese renaissance first centered on the fertile example of the Porto architects, but eventually spread to include the vigorous energy of Lisbon, which represents and expresses the country at large.
Many will raise an eyebrow at the Expo. Faced with the coloristic muddle of the pavilions, the naïf technology of the canopies and the trivial colossalism of the grounds, they will suggest we lose our way instead in the labyrinth of the Alfama, stroll unhurriedly through the Baixa or stop at length in the miradors of the Bairro Alto. But the placid theatrical beauty of old Lisbon cannot conceal the deficiencies of its infrastructure, which a collective challenge like the Expo has helped to alleviate. No one has understood this split character of Lisbon as well as a master from Porto, the wise and genial Álvaro Siza, who has been silent in the Chiado yet eloquent in the Expo; his serene concrete tent and arhythmic stone porticoes combine mute monumentality with a sweeping welcome gesture to create a gravid baldachin, spanning a luminous and shaded plaza on the edge of the water: this light and heavy canopy will for a few months shelter the marine heart of an ocean-faring nation.
Page 3
Ubicación: Portugal
Page 5
Page 5
Arquitecto: Foster, Norman
Proyecto: Gasolineras Repsol
Page 7
Arquitecto: Tschumi, Bernard
Proyecto: Intercambiador de transportes, Lausana
Ubicación: Suiza
Page 7
Arquitecto: Koolhaas, Rem
Proyecto: Edificio multifuncional, IIT, Chicago, Illinois
Ubicación: Estados Unidos
Page 7
Arquitecto: Hadid, Zaha
Proyecto: Centro de Artes Contemporáneas, Cincinnati, Ohio
Ubicación: Estados Unidos
Page 9
Arquitecto: Rossi, Aldo
Proyecto: Viviendas en Schützenstrasse, Berlín
Ubicación: Alemania
Page 9
Arquitecto: Neutelings, Willem Jan
Page 9
Arquitecto: Piano, Renzo
Proyecto: Rascacielos en la Potsdamer Platz, Berlín
Ubicación: Alemania
Page 11
Arquitecto: Linazasoro, José Ignacio
Proyecto: Centro cultural y deportivo, Valladolid
Ubicación: Castilla y León
Page 11
Page 11
Arquitecto: Bellosillo, Javier
Proyecto: Mobiliario urbano, Osaka
Ubicación: Japón
Page 11
Arquitecto: Arribas, Alfredo
Proyecto: Museo de Música
Ubicación: Francia
Page 13
Page 13
Arquitecto: Prouvé, Jean
Page 13
Arquitecto: Rodchenko, Alexandr
Page 13
Arquitecto: Fernández-Shaw, Casto
Page 15
Page 15
Page 15
Pages 17 -21
Ubicación: Portugal
Pages 22 -27
Arquitecto: Siza, Álvaro
Pages 28 -39
Proyecto: Expo 98, Lisboa
Ubicación: Portugal
Pages 40 -43
Arquitecto: Siza, Álvaro
Proyecto: Pabellón de Portugal, Expo 98, Lisboa
Ubicación: Portugal
Pages 44 -47
Arquitecto: Carrilho da Graça, João Luis
Proyecto: Pabellón del Conocimiento de los mares, Expo 98, Lisboa
Ubicación: Portugal
Pages 48 -53
Arquitecto: Souto de Moura, Eduardo
Proyecto: Parador del Santa María de Bouro, Amares
Ubicación: Portugal
Pages 54 -57
Arquitecto: Dias, Adalberto
Proyecto: Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica, Aveiro
Ubicación: Portugal
Pages 58 -63
Arquitecto: Rocha, João Álvaro; Gigante, José
Proyecto: Laboratorio de Investigación Veterinaria, Vila do Conde
Ubicación: Portugal
Pages 64 -67
Arquitecto: Mateus, Nuno y José
Proyecto: Escuela Superior de Ciencias Empresariales, Setúbal
Ubicación: Portugal
Pages 69 -71
Arquitecto: Piano, Renzo
Pages 72 -73
Arquitecto: Koolhaas, Rem
Pages 74 -75
Pages 76 -77
Arquitecto: Sartoris, Alberto
Page 79
Libro / Autor: Zabalbeascoa, Anatxu; Rodríguez Marcos, Javier. Vidas construidas. Gustavo Gili
Page 79
Libro / Autor: Quetglas, Josep. . Actar
Page 79
Arquitecto: Tusquets, Óscar
Libro / Autor: Tusquets, Óscar. Todo es comparable. Anagrama
Page 80
Libro / Autor: Rogers, Richard. Cities for a Small Planet. Faber Faber
Page 80
Libro / Autor: Slessor, Catherine. Eco-Tech. Gustavo Gili Daniels, Klaus. The Technology of Ecological Building. Birkhäuser Behling, Sophia y Stefan. Sol Power. Prestel
Page 81
Libro / Autor: Laborda Yneva, José. Guías de arquitectura de Huesca, Teruel y Zaragoza. CAI
Page 81
Libro / Autor: Sayah, Ambar. Neue Architektur in Voralberg. Callwey
Page 81
Libro / Autor: (SA) Guía de arquitectura: España 1920-2000. Tanais
Pages 84 -87
Arquitecto: Foster, Norman
Proyecto: Museo Americano del Aire, Duxford
Ubicación: Reino Unido
Pages 88 -91
Arquitecto: Ito, Toyo
Proyecto: Cúpula O, Odate
Ubicación: Japón
Pages 92 -95
Arquitecto: Sejima, Kazuyo; Nishizawa, Ryue
Proyecto: Talleres de arte multimedia, Ogaki
Ubicación: Japón
Pages 100 -103
Page 104
Producto / Empresa: Cisa Lucernario bivalvo. Plexi, Grupo Röhm / Colt Azur. Colt
Page 105
Producto / Empresa: Sistema SK 60. Schüco Sistemas Cortizo / Veranda ST. Technal Ibérica
Page 106
Producto / Empresa: Akyver confort. Grupo Irpen Danpalon. Pal Plastic / Polyú. Criplast
Page 107
Producto / Empresa: Velux A/S Hervent. Gravent LouverDrape / Sunroom. Tecnispai
Page 112
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