Sliding vitrines in Martín Berasategui’s KüchenStars Kitchen Series

  • Brand KüchenHouse 
  • Series Vitrina Corredera KüchenStars
  • Basic Measures Anchuras desde 1.800 mm. a 2.400. Altura de 2.020.

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The German kitchen-design firm KüchenHouse gives advance notice of its colection KüchenStars by Martín Berasategui: sliding vitrines.

Pursing the idea of adapting the professional kitchen to the home, this modular furniture system is usually made to be 2020 mm tall and between 1800 and 2400 mm wide, but can be configured as required. Thanks to the vitrine’s carefully thought-out mobile components, with accessories that the user is able to set at different altitudes, its storage capacity can be maximized. This cabinet with sliding glass doors can come with lighting inside.

The KüchenStars kitchen series by Martín Berasategui is available in all official kitchen studios of KüchenHouse.

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