LB Management, a modular system for controlling light and Jung blinds, features a new ambient temperature controller through which to regulate radiators or radiant floor heating systems, whether these work through electricity or hot water pipes. Combined with a heat pump, it can also be used to regulate air cooling.
The German multinational, a manufacturer of mechanisms and systems for electric installations, presents this new controller which incorporates a connection to a temperature sensor and a standard display screen for visualizing data. With an elegant flat design, it is equipped with a black or white glass front, available for Jung’s AS, A, CD, and LS ranges of electrical mechanisms.
In combination with some complements for LB Management, the new controller admits different heating and cooling methods, adapting to each user. Among the functions to highlight is heating optimization for radiators and radiant floors. When activated, it preheats the room intelligently, and the desired temperature is reached at the programmed time; when deactivated, the warming process begins at the specified time. Also, in the case of electric underfloor heating, the ambient temperature controller prevents overheating by interrupting its workings (in accordance with standard EN 50559). In contrast, a detector of temperature drops is activated when the user opens a window to air a room, and the system switches to frost protection mode.
For more information: LB Management