Nine Works
After thirty-three years of existence, the Aga Khan Awards celebrate their tenth edition commending works that have two basic common denominators: they must be built in the Islamic world, and they must use design as a tool for social and economic development, with sensibility and respect for the environment. The use of new building techniques and the repercussion of the works in their communities and contexts are also valued. Nine projects have been prized: the School in Rudrapur, Bangladesh, by Heringer & Roswag; the Central Market in Koudougou, Burkina Faso, by Laurent Séchaud and SDC; Samir Kassir Square in Beirut, Lebanon, by Vladimir Djurovic; the University of Technology Petronas in Bandar Seri Iskandar, Malaysia, by Norman Foster; Moulmein Rise Residential Tower in Singapore, by WOHA; the Rehabilitation of the Walled City of Nicosia, Cyprus, by Nicosia Master Oklan Team; the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Ethiopia, by De Architectengroep; and two projects in Yemen: the Rehabilitation of the City of Shibam, by GTZ and GOPHCY, and the Restoration of the Amiriya Complex by Al Radi and Al Nasiri.