People  Art and Culture 

Who Gets Credit for Conceptual Art?

People  Art and Culture 

Who Gets Credit for Conceptual Art?

Devorah Lauter   /  Source:  Artnet

'La Nona Ora' (1999)

In the studio of French sculptor Daniel Druet, the conceptual artist Maurizio Cattelan is everywhere: In framed magazine covers depicting Cattelan’s sculptures Him (2001), La Nona Ora (1999), and the two upside-down American police officers Frank and Jamie (2002). Then there is the likeness of the Italian provocateur himself—looking cartoon-like in wax busts on wooden poles, his drawn cheeks a little fuller than in real life. The wax Cattelan’s eyes are characteristically wide open, and Druet gave him a rather pleasant smile.

“I never said he wasn’t a nice person. I just don’t have much affinity with him,” Druet said on a recent afternoon at his studio... 

Artnet: Who Gets Credit for Conceptual Art? Inside the Paris Courtroom Where a Sculptor Is Fighting Maurizio Cattelan’s Gallery for Recognition

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