Art and Culture  Exhibition 

Josef Koudelka, ‘Nationality Doubtful’

Art and Culture  Exhibition 

Josef Koudelka, ‘Nationality Doubtful’


Known for his impressive images of the Soviet invasion of Prague and for his photographs of Central European gypsies, Josef Koudelka was born in 1938 in Boskovice, in today’s Czech Republic, and studied engineering before starting out his career as a photographer. In 1970 he left his country, became officially stateless, and lived in London as a refugee until he adopted the French nationality in 1986. From that moment on he began working with a panoramic camera in landscape projects: in his photographs of this period, carried out between 1987 and 2012, people have disappeared, but one can still sense the presence of man who, both as a creator and as a destroyer, is everywhere. 

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