André Wogenscky

“Le Corbusier is intense. From a wealth of accumulated, assimilated, thoughtful experience he gives off waves of energy.” Wogenscky so expressed his fascination for an architect who was his mentor since 1936, year in which, after a casual encounter with the Swiss master, he abandoned his career as actor to join the studio on Sèvres street. After World War II, Wogenscky would not only work at the Jeanneret studio, but he became an associate, dealing with projects such as the Unités d’habitation of Marseille and Rezé-lès-Nantes and Firminy stadium. From 1956 on, already on his own, the French architect would receive important commissions in Beirut, the most significant one being the Lebanese Ministry of Defense. After Le Corbusier’s death in 1965, the close tie of his architecture with that of the Swiss, evident in his first solo works, would become even stronger when he took on the task of finishing some of this posthumous works. André Wogenscky, French Grand Prix in 1989, passed away at his house in Saint-Rémy-lès-Chevreuse, an example of prefabricated architecture built following the modulor principles.