Architecture is a spatial and material reality bound to its perceptual nature, created from the architect’s scopic and analytical baggage, documented and disseminated through an imagery filtered by the photographer’s eye. The architect decants realit
Modern architecture was based on montage and the metropolis. This is the main point of the splendid work of the Swiss historian Martino Stierli, chief curator of architecture at the MoMA. With elegant prose and excellent illustrations, Stierli reconc
Architecture books, like art books, are imaginary museums. Three recent books explore editorial narration with images from complementary angles: The Book on the Floor uses the famous photograph of André Malraux surrounded by pages of an art book as a
Marco Iuliano Martino Stierli
London 2024
Lund Humphries - 160 Pages
Martino Stierli Architecture, Modernity and the Representation of Space
Martino Stierli Nanni Baltzer Montage in Art, Architecture and Book Design
Martino Stierli Hilar Stadler Peter Fischli Images from the Archive of Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown