Carlo Piano calls his father Renzo ‘the Explorer’ and has imagined an eight-month journey with him on an Italian Navy ship, doing port of call in many of the cities where Piano has built, and both take the adventure as a search for Plato’s mythical A
Like the children of Oedipus, the San Giorgio Bridge is the fruit of tragedy. That of 14 August 2018, when the Morandi Bridge collapsed, killing 43 and leaving hundreds homeless. The destruction dramatically cut two neighborhoods apart and eliminated
Renzo Piano creó en 2007 una fundación que tiene por propósito preservar sus archivos, pero también promover, entre los jóvenes arquitectos, su idea de la formación en bottega: un taller en el que los inexpertos aprenden de los veteranos a través del
Lia Piano Istanbul Modern
Lia Piano L' ospedale dei bambini, Entebbe, Uganda
Lia Piano
Barcelona 2020
Seix-Barral - 224 Pages
Lia Piano Elena Spadavecchia Ponte Genova San Giorgio
Lia Piano
Génova 2014
Fondazione Renzo Piano - 196 Pages
Lia Piano London Bridge Tower