Does archit ectural theory need a neurobiological base? If so, what are the consequences? Harry Francis Mallgrave of the Illinois Institute of Technology has published Architecture and Embodiment to offer an overview of this perspective that is not a
Juxtaposing Palladio churches and brain sections may seem like a surrealistic operation, “the chance meeting on a dissecting-table of a sewing-machine and an umbrella”, in Lautréamont’s words, or an exquisite corpse, as Breton would have it. But Harr
En 2003 se cumplen doscientos años del nacimiento de Gottfried Semper. Arquitecto y teórico, su figura ha sufrido encumbramientos y depreciaciones sucesivas: a su muerte en 1879, se le consideraba el «segundo mejor» arquitecto del país tras Schinkel;
Harry Francis Mallgrave The Implications of the New Sciences and Humanities for Design
Harry Francis Mallgrave David Goodman 1968 to the present
Harry Francis Mallgrave Neuroscience, Creativity and Architecture
Harry Francis Mallgrave Ein Architekt des 19 Jahrhunderts