The lack of facilities and trees had turned Parco dei Salici into a run-down place in disuse. Communication with the neighbors’ association now in charge of its management was an essential part in the redevelopment of the space, where now all so
Though it is a pleasant green space, Parco XXII Aprile is in Crocetta, one of the most conflictive neighborhoods in Modena. This intervention aims to redefine small new spaces for leisure and for reunion that can gradually reactivate social life in t
Despite being one of the most populated neighborhoods in the city, Commenda Est only has one plaza. The project exploits the potential of several empty spaces to join them and create a quality plaza at the service of the area’s multiple realities...
The Affectivity and Maternity Module is a gathering space that replaces the conventional visiting rooms, anodyne and surveilled, for female inmates. This temporary construction of a family unit recreates the domestic dimension to favor future social
Being circumscribed by three buildings, the esplanade became a large, abandoned space with no specific use. The new plaza comes to fill the void, stretching a green layer of bay leaf trees interrupted at the center by a circular seating area where ne
The poor fame of the neighborhood is a direct consequence of the lack of services and public spaces. The project sets out to change this by creating a place where play, leisure, and education become tools to overcome prejudices regarding the suburbs.