Architecture is in crisis. So is criticism. Fragmented into narratives and poetics, the former can’t quite find its place in late-stage capitalism. The latter, ignored by the public, media, and architects themselves, has lost the regulatory role it o
It is not sure that one’s life explains one’s work, but there is no doubt that a biography throws light on the context surrounding a creative career. Cases in point are two new books, on Frank Gehry and Rafael Moneo, which give us a better understand
Can domestic space be a platform for an architect’s personal investigations? Francisco González de Canales analyzes five cases of ‘domestic selfexperimentation’: homes designed and built for and by the same individual, who in first person puts his ow
Ahondar en la vida de los antepasados es un ejercicio que aúna el legítimo deseo de saber con el temor gozoso y un tanto impúdico de descubrir algo insospechado de nuestros mayores. Este libro, publicado con ocasión de la exposición homónima organiza
Francisco González de Canales An Architecture of Crisis
Francisco González de Canales Conversaciones ibéricas
Francisco González de Canales
Madrid 2019
Fundación Arquia - 248 Pages
Francisco González de Canales Nicholas Ray Building Teaching Writing
Francisco González de Canales Radical Domestic Architecture between 19537 and 1953
Brett Steele Francisco González de Canales Emerging Architectural Experimentation of the 1960s & 1970s