The Grenfell Tower disaster was the result of “decades of failure” by central government to stop the spread of combustible cladding combined with the “systematic dishonesty” of multimillion-dollar companies whose products spread the fire that killed
Ten people have perished in a conflagration which in a matter of minutes wrapped the facades of the fourteen-story building in the eastern Spanish city of Valencia. A combination of combustible facade materials, air chambers between the building’s sk
The building, completed in 2009, incorporated a facade system consisting of an insulation material and a cladding applied by means of a substructure attached to the outer side of the wall. An air chamber between those two layers improved acoustic ins
The volcano of La Palma prompts to comment on the dramatic increase of devastating fires, which suggests the name Pyrocene for our time.
The night of 24 June 2017 will always from now on be associated with an image worthy of catastrophe movies: the 62-meter-tall Grenfell Tower being devoured by flames and painting the sky red. The blaze was just the visible part of the tragedy that wa
En torno al verano, varios inmuebles vetustos ardieron en París. Veinticuatro muertos en abril y otros 24 en dos incendios en agosto. Unos 2.000 okupas viven en 63 edificios degradados en una ciudad que cuenta con casi mil edificios insalubres. Algun