They had no way of knowing it, but somehow they cut adrift from the 19th century by capsizing painting altogether, defying their contemporaries as in a boycott, turning their backs on the Academy and on all the canons. They did not actually baptize t
From the early canvases in protest against the Estado Novo to her images of women in pain, Paula Rego defended a militant art up to the end of her days.
Yvonne Farrell and Shelley McNamara were brainstorming for a name for their studio. It was 1978. They combined their surnames, switched their names around, sometimes drifting toward a more abstract or poetic formulation to go by as an architectural d
Louisa Hutton (Norwich, 1957) takes the city as a concept and as a starting point. It was almost thirty years ago that the firm Sauerbruch Hutton was set up in London, to later move its main office to Berlin. She studied at the Architectural Associat