Maestros del mundo 3
The geographical distribution of the latest generation of architects, born between 1955 and 1977, traces a vast atlas that illustrates the growing leadership of Asia – where the Japan of SANAA or Shigeru Ban has been joined by a mighty China – and the shrinking proactive energy of the Anglo-Saxon world, very especially the United States, which has seen its culturally significant commissions assigned to offices on the other side of the Pacific or the other side of the Atlantic. Europe, for its part, remains a fertile terrain for experimenting with forms – whether by the Norwegians of Snøhetta, the Dutch of MVRDV, or the Danes of BIG – but the ecological concern and the social commitment that are also discernible in these firms are the main thrust of the practices of charismatic authors like the Burkinabe Francis Kéré, the Chilean Alejandro Araveno, or the Vietnamese Vo Trong Nghia, looked up to as models by a good part of today’s youngest architects.
Collection ‘Maestros’, 2021
Language: Spanish
Soft cover
96 pages
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